Welcome to Horizon
AVK in the UK’s first Sustainability Report. 07-01-2025
Published annually, Horizon embodies our commitment to sustainability across Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles. It outlines our sustainability objectives and targets while providing a performance review for the past year.
This first edition of Horizon remains largely focused on the environmental dimension of sustainability, previously published in AVK UK Green Papers. Future editions will include greater coverage of social and governance matters.
Read about our series of objectives for environmental areas such as carbon, energy, waste, and packaging, as well as reports on our performance over the last 12 months.
Driving environmental and social progress
This new publication reflects our ambition and vision, to embrace all aspects of sustainability: Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), and showcases:
- Our action plan for reducing carbon footprints, achieving Net Zero, and adopting green Lean principles.
- Innovative solutions like AVK Smart Water products and solutions, and refurbished valves that support a sustainable future.
- Insights into our community engagement and charity initiatives, like Walk4Water and mental health awareness.
- Practical tips for individuals to reduce their environmental impact.
Michael Day, Environmental Manager, covering all AVK in the UK operations, said:
“I hope you enjoy the contents of Horizon and I look forward to working with you in the future to drive forward our collective environmental agenda.
I’m always open to feedback and ideas, and you can catch me at mida@avkuk.co.uk or call me on 01246 479120 as shown on the details above”
Download your copy of Horizon on the link below.